A short children's story with a message of hope
Once upon a time, a golden brown cow called Amber lived in a field with many other cows. Amber lived in a dairy herd of Jersey cows. Twice a day, they were led into the milking shed to be milked. Most of their time was spent either eating grass or hay or lying down to chew the cud. Unlike you and I, cows have two stomachs to extract more goodness from the grass they eat. When their food moves down to their second stomach, this process is known as ‘chewing the cud’. Chewing the cud uses up a lot of cow energy, so they lie down to conserve their strength while the magic happens. That is when the conversion of grass into milk takes place, as if by magic. And the milk from Amber’s herd was the richest and sweetest for miles around.
Amber had many friends. Not all of them were cows. There were hares and hedgehogs, rabbits and mice, deer and badgers, birds, and on warm summer evenings, bats flitted around the cows, still munching on grass. It was a happy life until winter arrived. Then Uncle Joe herded the cows inside to shelter in the barn from the harsh, cold weather. It was there that Amber first met the shy little girl, who said her name was Sam, short for Samantha. The herd was snacking on dried protein pellets when the girl, wrapped in a green woollen coat with a yellow scarf around her neck, walked into the barn, sat herself down on a bale of hay and just started talking.
Amber could not quite hear what Sam was saying, so she pushed past her cow friends and hung her head over the fence rail right in front of the girl with long blonde hair. Sam looked up at Amber and introduced herself. “Hello, beautiful brown cow. I’m Samantha, and I’ve come to stay for a while, at my Uncle Joe and Aunt Agatha’s farm. Mummy’s coming here soon when she comes out of hospital”. It was evident that Amber understood and was very interested in what Sam had to say. Amber mooed gently and nodded her head to let Sam know she was listening. “I’m sorry I don’t know your name, but as you are wearing such a beautiful, golden-brown coat, I’ll call you Amber.”
Amber was surprised and delighted and scratched her chin on the fence post and thought, how had Sam correctly guessed her name?
Complete story plus introduction to The Amazing Adventures of Jimmy Crikey: http:/amazon.com/dp/B09MV4ZMCD
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